November 9, 2007


So, they're remodeling at my office today. And I get to work from home. I've never done that before. On a related note, Drew Carey doesn't make a very good Bob Barker replacement. I'm kidding, I just watched one game. It wasn't even Plinko. What a waste of time. But, this is definitely the future. And as a writer, I definitely don't have to be at work to get stuff done. And I save 2 hours of commuting. But, any advice out there for how to concentrate around so many distractions?

November 8, 2007

Nebraska Man

In 1917, a single tooth was found by a rancher in Nebraska. This drawing was created from that tooth. Several years later an identical tooth was found...along with the rest of the skeleton...of a pig. There's a lot of other drawings you're probably familiar with from high school that are creatively illustrated from a couple of teeth and a femur, sometimes found hundreds of feet apart from each. So, the question is, what incentive do these people have to creative something past what the evidence points to?

November 7, 2007

The Problem with Names

My friend's name is Stacy Peterson. She lives in Chicago. So, I'm driving to work the other day and hear on the radio that Stacy Peterson is missing and that foul play has been considered. Her physical description matches my friend's as well. It wasn't her. But needless to say, I'm sure plenty of her family and friends were scared for a minute, especially when the media let the sound-byte stop there before giving the name of her suspected husband, etc. So, here's the problem. What if someone from Chicago with my name becomes a convicted serial killer, pedophile, etc.? Then I get the wrap. That's why you should name your kid something ridiculous. Unless your kid actually DOES become a serial killer. Then, he can't say, "No, that must be a DIFFERENT Gonzo Potatohead."

November 6, 2007


On the TV show Survivor, people inevitably form alliances. They enter willingly into smaller subsets of the larger community for mutual benefits. Are families merely alliances in the greater whole of society?

November 5, 2007

Tricked into It

I was always a 2% milk kind of guy. Went to college, filled my bowl of frosted flakes with the pump marked 2% in the cafeteria every morning. Went home on Christmas break, drank a glass of 2% milk, and spit it right out. It tasted like cream to me. What I didn't know is that the school cafeteria had been using 1% in the 2% container. But, mentally, since I wasn't aware of the change, I became accustomed to it. The same thing happened to me recently with light potato chips. My wife packed Ruffles light potato chips made w/ Olestra (yes, my wife packs a lunch for me, she's amazing) into my lunch, and I didn't notice the difference. But, these have no fat. So, it seems like the only way I can exhibit a healthy lifestyle is if I'm tricked into it. Deception...that's the key.

November 2, 2007

Missing Role Models

So, in a K-5 school, the 5th graders think they're royalty and have no one to look up to as role models, because no one wants to be like their teacher. Then, they jump into 6th grade and want to be like the royal 8th graders. Once there, they have no one to look up to. Then, they jump into 9th grade and want to be like the royal seniors. Once, there they have no one to look up to. How do we incorporate slightly older role models throughout a child's upbringing that fills in these gaps? A K-College school? :)

November 1, 2007

Soda Lid Covers

So, what if you saw someone start licking the outside of a bag of potato chips? Kind of unsanitary seeming, right? Anyone could have touched it throughout the manufacturing/production process. Anything could be on that. It's not part of the vacuum-sealed process. Yet, we lick the outside metal of soda cans all the time. But, somehow, this seems ok, because it's a necessity of the process, right? Now, I'm not trying to be a germophobe and pretend like we should be overly concerned about this. But, I do spot a marketing opportunity. The first company to create a built in lid protector is going to create a need in the marketplace for this. Once people have the choice between small chance of sucking on rat feces to no chance, there's no real contest. Mark my words. Whoever does it first will win. And the rest will surely follow.

October 31, 2007

E-Ching For the Day

"The only two options are war and peace. But war doesn't have to mean fighting, and peace doesn't have to mean apathy."

October 30, 2007

If It’s So Moral

If you truly believe that certain political issues are a moral outcry, in particular, the idea that certain people in this country don't have healthcare, then why aren't you currently spending your personal money on helping to alleviate this problem? I'm not saying ALL of your money. My contention is that if you claim it to be a serious moral problem, and that you currently choose to ignore the problem unless everyone else sacrifices with you, then would you admit to being immoral? When you stand on your podium and tell me that I'm greedy, and yet I give ten times the percentage of my income on charitable giving than you do, you lose all credibility with me. And yet, no one else calls you out on this. I don't understand it.

October 29, 2007

Respect for the Presidency

This is a fully-loaded post title. What does having respect for the position of presidency mean? If you notice, President Bush is extremely careful not to denigrate any former President, and is extremely gracious and complimentary when he meets with President Clinton. This is contrary to the actions of many other former Presidents who are quick to throw these men under the bus in order to rise their historical ranking. Once retired, President Harry S. Truman refused to make money off of his prestigious title. While President Clinton is making millions off book sales and speaking engagements, Truman refused either. President Bush recently stated his inclination to go on a similar speaking tour once he retires; the only problem might be getting the gigs. Or does respect mean being careful not to abuse Presidential power? Well, we haven't had one of those in a while. So, it comes down to which of these characteristics of respect do YOU respect the most?