November 26, 2015

By All Means, Talk about Politics and Religion on Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving I could partially understand the conversations at the adult table was a profound one. Because they were talking about “real” things. Curiously exploring how the world works, and questioning how it should. And I excitedly waited all year for my next chance to listen in – to perhaps even become a part of it. So when I hear people suggest not talking about politics, spirituality or anything below the surface today, I think it’s a huge mistake. The attempt to avoid combative and hurtful conversations with family today is a rightful one. But you don’t have to avoid the deep stuff.

You just have to not be a jerk.

June 18, 2015

Dynasty Teams Screw Kids Up

I think dynasty teams screw kids up. For instance, my neighbor’s small boys have lived their whole lives under Blackhawks dominance. For them, sports are still pure and perfect. You can fall deeply in love, and never get hurt. It was my experience with the Bulls dynasty in the 90s. And it’s a set up for absolute disaster when you learn these moments we’re in the midst of are ridiculously unlikely anomalies. That, in fact, the majority of your sports life is lived in absolute disappointment. That the emotional highs and adrenaline rushes of fandom are almost a complete waste of time in a strict utilitarian sense. That there are much more beautiful pursuits – ones where you are not merely tasked to the sideline, but asked to be an active participant in the game itself.

Less watching. More playing.

March 6, 2015

How Do I Know So Much and So Little About God?

I’ve spent the past 14 years obsessed with understanding theology. And out of the dozen or so random God questions that have popped out of my 3-year old’s mouth so far, I’ve had coherent answers to precisely zero.

It’s as if I spent so much time at the fringes – trying to grasp every detail of how man, God and earth are supposed to work together (and at least partially motivated by wanting to feel like the smartest person in the room) – I just assumed I had my foundation nailed, and I don’t.

February 6, 2015

America Preparing for a Female President?

Note: This is a guest post by Hannah Williams

The 2008 presidential election of Barack Obama was one of historic precedence; for the first time in the history of the United States Americans entrusted the governing of their nation to an African-American. Despite America’s reputation as a melting-pot of ethnicities, all 43 presidents prior to Obama’s election were white. It took over two centuries for Americans to elect a non-white leader of the free world.

All 43 Presidents fortunate enough to gain the responsibility of governing the United States did share a common characteristic with Obama despite their racial differences, they were all males. Roughly half the American population is female yet their representation in the White House has been non-existent and representation within government as a whole, although growing, barely scratches the surfaces of percentages relative to their population’s representation.

Fortunately for Americans, the United States probably won’t need to wait another couple centuries for a historically ground-breaking election. The 2016 election is shaping up to bring the election of the first female President. Some had hoped 2008 would be the year females gained ground on the other 43 male Presidents but Obama was able to push past former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the Democratic Primaries and eventually claimed the Presidency.

The 2016 election seems to be gearing up perfectly for Hillary Clinton to become the first female to lead the United States. But Clinton isn’t the only female Americans have placed their hope in. Fellow Democrat, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has also been heralded for her work within the party and is poised to become the fiercest competition for Clinton during the Democratic Primaries. Senator Warren has publicly denied her ambitions to run in the 2016 elections but many believe her mind can and will be changed.

Despite their competition within the same party, the odds are heavily in favor of a female emerging as the Democratic candidate in 2016, an unprecedented feat in itself. A survey of bookmakers partnered with revealed the actual odds of a female winning the 2016 Presidential Election are 6/5, far greater than any previously held elections. With what many believe will be the eventual emergence of a female Democratic candidate, whether Clinton or Warren, the odds will only increase.

The election of President Obama was a much-needed step forward towards a more inclusive American government but can’t be the only step taken. Females as well as other races deserve equal representation within the White House. The 2016 Presidential election will hopefully just be the next step Americans take towards equality for all.