October 12, 2007

E-Ching For the Day

"We tend to inherit the first viewpoint on an issue we hear that makes any sense at all, and often see no need to hear another."

October 11, 2007

The Satisfaction of Smell

One of our clients, a producer of high-end coffee roasters sent us some Colombian coffee yesterday. I sat there smelling the bag for about a half hour, and have never felt better. Since nothing's actually entering my system, I assume this has to be simple brain chemistry, right? And yet, I literally became happier. Why can't depression be eased by scent?

October 10, 2007

Close it a Little

How open-minded can I be before I don't believe in anything anymore?

October 9, 2007

A Challenge: Encouraging Invention

The next time you see a child entrepreneur (lemonade stand, etc.), pay $5 for the cup of lemonade. My contention is that this will be one of the greatest ways you could ever spend $5. Not only will it be probably the coolest thing that's ever happened to the kid, and a story he'll remember for ever, but it will radically encourage the child's drive for entrepreneurship in the future. Now, I'm NOT talking about kids selling magazines for their school, or candy bars for their scout troop (I'm not looking to create any more Mary Kay, Partylite fake pyramid scheme business models that abuse friendships than already exist out there.) I'm talking about a kid who comes up with his own idea and acts upon it. Go out and embolden that kid's dream.

October 8, 2007

Ten on an Island

(continuation) The premise is that there are ten people on an island, they are a sovereign nation, and they are trying to best determine how to govern themselves. Question #4: The oldest person on the island can no longer work. He has always been a hard worker, but is physical unable to do so any longer. How is this person taken care of?

October 5, 2007

Arrival of the Fittest

1) How can evolution explain altruism? 2) If intelligent design can not be true because it can not be proved using the scientific method, then free will must not exist as well.

October 4, 2007

Lock ‘Em Up

Could a sonogram be considered child pornography?

October 3, 2007

Why Every President Sucks

(continuation) #6. John Quincy Adams Adams was the first President to wholeheartedly endorse federal spending for internal improvements and claim the constitutional right by which to do so. This position caused a seismic shift of the accepted role of government to becoming a means by which to improve the general condition of the populace. Adams also instated a 62% tax on 92% of all imported goods to protect New England domestic industry at the cost of all other citizens. Opposers to the bill amended alternative ridiculous tariffs along with it in order for both sides to see the ridiculous nature of the bill. Instead, the bill was passed, and quickly and aptly named the "Tariff of Abominations." A revised, lowered tariff was passed 4 years later.

October 2, 2007

What’s With South?

So, living in Chicago, it's common knowledge that the South side is the more dangerous part of the city. And not just because White Sox fans are weirdos. But, recently I've also realized that when a city has more than one high school, the "CityName South" school is typically intellectually inferior to the "CityName North", even though it may possess the stronger football team. South Carolina has a more negative reputation than North Carolina too. And what's with the phrase, "things are going South". Do we just live out the naturally negative connotation of these names, or are these just a series of coincidences based on my limited environs? Interestingly, the word "north" has a negative connotation in Africa. What is this? The heat? The magnetism of the equator? City building and planning patterns? Have you noticed this? Or is this the opposite where you live?

October 1, 2007

Over Spice

So, there's some guys who just smell like aftershave all the time. That's their scent. You can smell them coming, and long after they've left. It's often a good smell. But, still. I'm not sure I like that idea of banking on one particular scent. I think I prefer to be odorless. I stopped wearing cologne on a daily basis after realizing this, and came to the conclusion that I didn't want to be "the guy who wears Curve."
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