February 27, 2008

Good Dog, Bad Dog

What makes a good dog? Maybe you think your dog is good, but the dog you had as a kid was great. Your neighbors dog is bad, etc. What are the qualifications? Think before continuing. After coming to those conclusions, do you think you're a good person? Why? Are you completely loyal, forever forgiving, and optimistically exuberant? Or are you bad?

February 26, 2008

Just the Way I Am

What's with the whole idea behind "loving people just the way they are"? I think the goal should be loving people "regardless" of the way they are. And yet, not ignoring the expectancy for personal development. The "way you are" might suck. We are inherently selfish, sinful people, who need to be redeemed. "So, I'm an adulterer. That's the way God made me." Ok, God made you. But, I think it's a stretch to assume that he's satisfied with whatever decisions you happen to make.

February 25, 2008

A Question of Self

Why is self esteem valued above self control?

February 22, 2008

Stick to What We Pay You For

Why do celebrities and entertainers vocalize their political beliefs? From a marketing standpoint, it's a terrible idea. Oh. He's for the federal funding of stem-cell research? That changes my mind completely. She hates that politician. Maybe I should too? It can't possibly be effective. In fact, it virtually ensures that 50% of their fanbase will be at least a little repelled. This is not a "their views are irrelevant" type of post, although I'd be happy doing that as well. I'm simply saying that it's not a smart career move. And it's not effective, either.

February 21, 2008

Odds Are Pretty Good…

that you're NOT smarter than the President. This, despite some polls I've seen with up to 88% of the population claiming to be. He graduated with a bachelors degree from Yale, and later went on to obtain an MBA from Harvard University. "Oh, but he only got in to those schools because of his dad." Maybe. But, I find it hard to believe that both schools would give him degrees by that merit alone. He may be unsuccessful. He may be a terrible speaker. And you may be pretty smart. But, he's probably smarter.

February 20, 2008

On My Knees

Why do men still propose on their knees? Historically, this tradition came about from an act of desperation, a begging for an acceptance to the proposal. Today, it's used more as an act of courtesy. But, doesn't the fact that the man is obliged to do this take the romantic sincerity out of the act itself? Most guys today don't propose unless they're pretty confident they're going to get a yes. So, while there is still a overwhelming desire on the man's part to receive a positive response, since this is the woman they have decided they want to be with for the rest of their lives, is the desperation really there for a falling to the knees? Or should we mix it up a little? Cartwheels maybe? And yes, I did it too.

February 19, 2008

Regarding Hypocrisy…

It is not hypocritical for someone who drives a Prius to also fly on a plane. It IS hypocritical for someone who drives a Prius to yell horrible things at Hummer drivers while going to the airport to get on a plane. Similarly, I often hear people say how Christians are hypocritical. And maybe they are. But, a sinning Christian can not necessarily be equated with hypocrisy unless the Christian yells horrible things about people who are doing things that they also do. Claiming to be a Christian is not a claim to personal righteousness. Quite the opposite, becoming one requires an admittance of failure. Christians are simply recovering selfaholics. So, for those actual hypocritical Christians, instead of running around pointing and yelling about what's technically a sin and what's not, focus on what Jesus focused on, the fact that all sin is the result of a heart condition. Don't focus on stopping the sin. Focus on fixing the heart. No yelling necessary. No hypocrisy either.

February 18, 2008

So Hungry I Could…

Eat a horse? I believe this sentiment to be outdated. I don't often see horses, so it doesn't work as a strong metaphor for me. Plus, it would actually be a weird amount of food. Unlike, "I could eat a mountain of potatoes", which is so far removed from reality, that it works better as an exaggeration. My suggestion is to change the former to "I'm so hungry I could EAT HORSE." With that expression, you'd get immediate feedback of "Wow, that's disgusting. You must be pretty darn hungry."

February 15, 2008

Looking for the Reason

It wasn't the video games, because I play them too. It wasn't the music, because I listen, too. It's not the ability to buy guns, because I'm able to. So why him and not me? Because I have hope.

February 14, 2008


In 1923, there was no Best in Show winner at the Westminster Kennel Club, because of changing rules stating that interbred dogs were no longer eligible to compete. I'm wondering what the Miss America Pageant would be like if those same rules applied? You'd have to show your family's immigration papers, Caucasians with any sort of tan would be highly scrutinized, etc. I mean, doesn't purebred just mean INbred? The Westminster could be missing out on some hot Pugtrievers.