March 12, 2008

The Anti-War Party

...historically, is who? World War I - Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) World War II - FDR (Democrat) The Korean War - Harry Truman (Democrat) The Vietnam War - JFK (Democrat)

March 11, 2008

Just Another Guy Thing

I've never been in a fight before...I'm a pretty slender guy...and yet, I assume I would do incredibly well. Just another insight into the typical (no good reason to be this arrogant) male mindset.

March 10, 2008

Where are the Jeffersons?

Why is the current pool of legitimate conservatives so shallow? (insert punchline here) But, seriously, there are many conservatives who claim that none of the contenders for the Presidential nomination espoused their "conservative" views. Why is this? Perhaps it's because of the inherent nature of conservatism. A conservative would, typically, argue for a more limited government, believing that its predominant role is largely to protect collective and individual liberty. The people in charge of correcting social evils and inequalities, would be, the people. Therefore, those people most willing to espouse those beliefs would likely be....doing those things. And not being senators.

March 7, 2008

Rebranding the Mid-Life Crisis

The mid-life crisis is well known. I've even heard of people claiming to be going though quarter-life crises. I propose a renaming initiative. When one goes through these periods, it should be known as a Pre-life Crisis. No matter when this "crisis" occurs, I believe that it is a realization that one's current life is not being lived for anything in particular. A realization that they are not experiencing life as it was intended. Therefore, by definition this crisis must be considered PRE-life.

March 6, 2008

E-Ching for the Day:

"A dandelion is the perfect reminder of how something so dangerous can look so good."

March 5, 2008

Question for the Day…

Was Jesus a Christian fundamentalist?

March 4, 2008


Let's say someone you find unattractive hits on you. Should you be flattered by this? A) Yes. I am complimented that the person found me desirable. B) No. I am insulted by the fact that a person I find unattractive presumes themselves to be in "my league". or C) INSERT YOUR RESPONSE HERE What's your verdict, team?

March 3, 2008

Obillboard Idea

Barack Obama. If you don't vote for him, you're a racist.

February 29, 2008

What’s Your Identity?

Do you personally identify more with things that you had no say over, or things that you chose yourself? I'm German. I'm a painter. I'm Filipino. I'm a Christian. I'm into heavy metal. I'm a woman. I'm a Trekkie. I'm a Democrat. Today, I'm asking for a response to the following two questions: 1. What single thing/group do you identify yourself with the MOST? 2. What group of people celebrating their similar identities would you be MOST uncomfortable attending?

February 28, 2008

Come This Way, Bidet

What innovations/products/services/storefronts are popular in other countries, but haven't become popularized in the U.S. yet? Rather than trying to invent something new, wouldn't it be much easier to see what's working somewhere else and pioneer it here? I hope someone's invented the pizza doughnut, 'cause that's a franchise I want my name on.