May 4, 2018

Live To Give: How To Embrace A Charitable Mindset

We all have a choice. And we decide what kind of a person we're going to be, when you think about the fact that people lay down and died for the right to vote, now, we are more selfish and less likely to fight the good fight than ever before. This is why charity begins at home, and this is why we all need to embrace a charitable mindset. But for those people who have being raised in a, for want of a better expression, selfish way, learning how to adopt a more charitable mindset can be quite difficult. Encountering people who are more than willing to step all over you to get what they want is something that encourages the victim to never help anybody ever again. Unfortunately, this isn't the best way to go about bringing change. So, we all need to begin by being charitable in simple ways, and how can we embrace this charitable mindset?
Practicing Gratitude
Doing this everyday does something to you. It makes you appreciate what you have in your life, and by setting aside a small amount of time every day to think about what you are truly grateful for, has a profound effect on your frame of mind. Big entrepreneurs do it, and you can do it too.
Starting Small
If you're expected to give all of your earnings to charity, you're not going to do it! So instead, start small, and start manageable. Donating something little, either by giving change to someone on the streets, or just some shrapnel to the charity bucket, we can feel like we've done a little something to benefit someone else. You don't need to go over the top, but if you've never donated money before, donating a little is the perfect starting point.
Find A Cause You Believe In
It can be as simple as this, you have yet to find the cause you really believe in. Look at your passions, look what stirs your heartstrings, and follow it. Look at someone like Kirk Chewning, an entrepreneur who has devoted his efforts to the recovery after Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria. If you sat by idly watching a tragedy on television, and felt that this shouldn't be happening, then aim to be part of the solution. Every little helps.
Donate Your Time
If you have the time, even one afternoon a week, is there a local charity you can work with? It doesn't even have to be a charity; you can go to a nearby old folks home and read to the residents. This idea of being charitable can feel like we are expected to donate a lot of money, for little thanks. But while it's not to get thanks, it's about doing whatever little you can to help people in need. It's very surprising that there are people who are completely reticent to do anything charitable. And if this is you, or you know someone of this inclination, it's all about baby steps. These baby steps will blossom into something beneficial to mankind.

May 2, 2018

3 Reasons Everyone Should Vote

Note: This post has been contributed.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Voting is at the very centre of democracy. It gives the people a chance to voice their opinions as well as elect a spokesperson to ensure their views are put forward. Whatever your politics and whatever you believe, everyone should take the time to go to their local polling station and cast their vote. 
The more people who cast their votes, the more likely it is that society will come to reflect the views of the majority. Now while this might sound pretty risky given that the public isn’t too bright, it is the best way we have of determining how the political landscape is leaning and what we need to do to make society better for everyone.
Engaging in Politics is Your Right
You have the right to engage in politics so it makes no sense for you to ignore this right. If you have an opinion, the most important thing you can do is cast a vote to make sure that someone who represents your views (or at least similar views) is voted in. 
When you choose not to engage with politics, you automatically forfeit your right to complain about everything. Almost everything in society comes down to politics from women’s rights to how frequently the buses run. If you don’t choose to engage, then you are saying that you don’t care about society. This makes no sense. Don’t be so lazy!
You Can Spoil Your Ballot If You Want
There are some people who claim that they don’t vote because they disagree with all the candidates and don’t want to vote for anyone. While this point of view is completely understandable, rather than not showing, you should spoil your ballot instead. You can write anything on a ballot paper and make your feelings known this way. 
When people don’t show up to vote, this is regarded as apathy rather than protest. Spoiling your ballot makes it clear to the politicians that they have not worked hard enough to persuade you of their mission and that they can still do more to win you over. Sending this message is much more productive than doing nothing at all.
The Youth Vote is Important
In general, the youth vote is always the smallest turnout. Whether it’s in the Presidential elections or the election for the az sec of state, this is a problem. Simply put, the youth of today will have to live with any and all political decisions for a heck of a lot longer than the older voters. Your perspective on life is very different when you are in your 80s to when you are in your 20s. 
Talking to your kids about voting is a good way to set them up for a good attitude to democracy when they are older, but if you can engage younger voters in your social group as well, then all the better. 
The more people vote, the more people get to dictate to politicians how society should work.