May 7, 2010

Stay Half in the Kitchen

During my childhood, it seemed possible to make it in this world as a single-income family. Nowadays, that idea seems more and more improbable. So, for women who are hoping to be at least a partial stay-at-home mom, when choosing a career path during college, doesn't it make sense to intentionally choose one that offers future flexibility and part-time options?

May 6, 2010

Praying For Bad Things

My friend is currently trying to sell his home. Like many of us, he bought high and hates the idea of having to sell low. So, he prays for the miraculous. For God to be gracious and have someone come knocking who loves the house and wants to buy it for well above market value. In essence, he's praying that God screw over some idiot. Now, of course, he didn't even think about that side of the prayer when praying. But, once you think about that side, it's a little harder to pray for it isn't it?

May 5, 2010

I love all of my entrepreneurial friends. Frequent contributor and long-time friend, Jarrett Harris, lives in Manhattan with his insanely creative wife Emily, whom we had the pleasure of staying with during our recent trip to New York City. Emily is a part of the fashion industry in NYC, and has had the opportunity to work alongside some of the big names in the business. With a unique sense of style, and self-described as being "inspired by Midwestern pricing and my chic New York friends", Emily has just launched her very own fashion line. Her designs are absolutely wonderful, and I can tell this is the start of something really big. Go check out her designs!

May 4, 2010

Why Gerald Ford Sucked: The Song

#38. Gerald Ford

Capo 2
Am, Em, G, D/F#

I beg your pardon
Did you say you pardon
The king of crazy
Your head gone hazy?

Why you the pawn
Would die to save your fallen king?

It’s not that he’s above the law you say
Well, it’s that, but it’s something I can’t say

You know why you did it?
You did it for you.
To get back to doing what you wanted to do
But we would not forget

May 3, 2010

Can Donating to Good Charities be Immoral?

According to the Copenhagen Consensus of 2008, micro-nutrients should be our #1 economic priority in terms of giving. Feeding micro-nutrients to the 140 million malnourished children around the globe produces the "most possible good per dollar".
So, is it a better use of your dollar to invest in a charity like Vitamin Angels rather than a charity that might currently mean more to you?
I mean, I like animals, too. Investing in the Humane Society does really good stuff. But, only if we evaluate that giving in a silo all by itself. Is it really good after I compare the dollar spent to what it could be spent on?
In fact, is it even moral? Wait before you respond with yes. Think about it for a minute....ok, now you can comment with "yes" if you still really think so.

April 30, 2010

Your Gateway to Organic Food organic food. I was recently introduced to Cascadian Farms organic brand of cereals and granola bars. Simply unreal. So much better for you, and they seriously taste great! Yes, I have to get the version of their cereal marked "kids" in order to get my Cinnamon Toast Crunch knock-offs. But, it's worth it. It's way more filling per calorie ('cause it's REAL food), and it tastes great. Make the leap. It's not a big one.

April 29, 2010

Church Critic vs. Church Contributor

"Here's what I don't like about our church."
I see this in the church community all too often. People with their litany of things "the church" is doing wrong, and their laundry list of things that it should be doing instead. I wonder if government has screwed up our sense of personal responsibility. We think "our vote" is the full extent of our duty. If I give you my idea/show up/tithe, that's good enough.
But we forget the church is simply us. Hillary Clinton said it well a couple of years ago, "I have a lot of good ideas. We simply can't afford them all." Commentators jumped on her for that, but it's absolutely true. Especially in a church scenario where you can't mandate money from people through taxation. The church doesn't need more good ideas. They need more people passionate about seeing a few of them through.
If you're passionate enough about an idea to personally commit to it, then stay passionate about it, persuade others to help you, and start doing it. If you're not passionate enough to work toward it yourself, drop it. There's enough critics out there. Either start contributing or shut up.

April 28, 2010

Why Do Celebrities Start Their Own Charities?

Their kid gets a disease, so they immediately develop a passion for finding a cure. I completely understand that. But why do they have to start their own "Celebrity First Name Last Name" "Disease Name" Charity? Aren't there already charities out there with the same goal who are able to spend money on research much more efficiently because of their size or previous knowledge? It's almost as if they're trying to get credit for it...

April 27, 2010

“It Just Came To Me.”

Out of the blue, this idea pops out of you. It doesn't feel as if you consciously conceived it. It almost feels like it was gifted to you. What is your mind doing on a day-to-day basis that you're completely unaware of? And doesn't that imply that you're not running the shots as much as you may think you are.

April 26, 2010

What is is a revolutionary new automated charity provider - bringing the benefits of automated banking to your charitable donations, while also helping you publicize your favorite non-for-profits. Select your favorite organizations or add them to's growing database, divide your organizations by dollar amount or percentage of your total giving, and fund your favorite charities automatically each month. Plus, change these at any time as you come across more efficient charities or ones that hit close to home for you. I am currently working on creating a prioritized list of organizations based on the Copenhagen Consensus' analysis of "most" good per dollar spent. Then, you'll be able to match this list and truly know that you are being the best possible steward of your finances. I am very excited about this evolution of non-profit giving, and can't wait to see what comes of it. Go check out and report your findings.