December 11, 2007

Expectations are Powerful

Expectations are so powerful that we often live up to them. I remember being in college one day, thinking how did I get here? Well, I had the means, and it was expected of me. So, mostly, I just followed that route. I was expected to drink socially. I was expected to never do drugs. I was expected to get good grades. I was expected to abstain from sex. And I just kind of followed these expectations. So, while I understand the argument that kids are going to have sex and that we better do whatever we can to make it safe for them to do so... I also believe that by schools providing free contraception, we are saying that we expect you to have sex. And expectations are powerful.

December 10, 2007

E-Ching For the Day:

"The best part about losing is that it means someone else gets to win."

December 7, 2007

Your Mind is Messed Up

Just a reminder that you can't believe anything you see. Also, you're probably crazy. Third, no one else sees them spinning but you.

December 6, 2007

Lady Liberty? Really?

"Welcome to America, the land of the she-males." That has to be what many immigrants thought when they entered New York Harbor. Their greeting given by this half-Grecian, half-Amish, giant muscled statue that they want us to believe is a lady? Granted, in our coinage, we got it a little bit closer. But, these immigrants are accustomed to sculptures of Athena, Venus and Aphrodite...and we give them a female version of Hulk Hogan? That's not the America I watch people die for.

December 5, 2007

No More Middle Man

When you're involved in a purchasing situation, and you see a way where you can go around the middle man and buy directly from the source, do you consider this to be greedy?

December 4, 2007

E-Ching For the Day:

"Love has no restraining order."

December 3, 2007

Mocking My Future Self

Roughly ten years ago, I walked into a public men's room and there was an old man in there standing in front of a urinal, with both arms raised and pressed against the wall, as if taking advantage of this downtime to take a brief upper-body nap. Frightened, I quickly left the men's room and told the story to all my friends. We laughed at the weird old man and his old man ways. A decade passed, and last Friday I walked into the empty men's room at work and stood before a urinal. It had been a tough week. And I was exhausted. Before I knew it, my hands were raising and I slowly leaned against the wall in front of me. Quickly realizing what I had done, I lowered my hands and became instantly ashamed. I have become that which I scoffed.