August 23, 2006

E-Ching For The Day

The majority should rule even when they are wrong.

August 22, 2006

Matt Lauer Has Never Led Me Astray

Whether it's blindly believing in a terrorist regime's pure motives for a Jewless society, or his blank face unable to respond to an economist explaining that a lower income tax would actually produce greater federal revenue, Matt Lauer has never led me astray. But, I had no idea that behind that sharp-suited Christmas package was a Calvin Klein model waiting to get out. Lauer for Unquestioning Leader in 2008!

August 21, 2006

Financial Tip #1

Don't pay off your mortgage early. Let's say your mortgage rate is at 6%. Since mortgage interest is tax-deductible, your "real" mortgage rate is only 4%. So, if you save an extra $1,000 and want to put it to good use, don't put it toward your mortgage. Put it in a conservative fixed-rate investment for 5-6%, make more money off the investment, and have your assets be liquid instead of sunk in your house. The idea is to do what banks do. Borrow money at a low interest rate, and safely invest at a higher interest rate. Smart investment sense is not always common sense.

August 18, 2006

I Know What I Like

I am not an "All Art is Awesome" kind of guy. Ballet and Opera are stupid to me, even though I'm glad that some crazy people find enjoyment in them. But, this dance segment that I saw was the best dance routine I've ever seen in my life (it didn't have much competition before that), but it really gave me a new appreciation for contemporary dance. This stuff has some possibilities. The routine starts at 1:30 into the clip. Don't bother wasting your time with the commentary before or after.

August 18, 2006

E-Ching for the Day

If you don't get hungry, you will starve.

August 17, 2006

Color Customized Accessorizing

What if the same pair of shoes could match your clothing exactly everyday? I'm not referring to like a guy where his same (and only pair) of brown business shoes passes off the matching test all week...but I mean truly matching. Right now, I can only think of a easily workable way with women's sandals, but it's a start. Take a women's sandal with one color strap, and then have the strap attached with one button on either side of the sole. (This picture is the closest I could find, but you have to use your imagination). You can sell the shoe on it's own along with 30 different colored straps. Women could then buy individual straps to color match their particular outfits.

August 16, 2006

New Foreign Policy

Have we came to a consensus about why Islamic terrorists hate us? Is it A) because we allow the freedom to sin in our country, B) because we have so many people claiming to be Christians in this country, OR is it a more obvious reason... C) the fact that we support Israel. If we really wanted to take the target off our backs, shouldn't we just abandon Israel. Cut ties completely, pull a Cuba on them. Would that do the trick? If so, someone could probably win on that platform. Perhaps Mel?

August 15, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Within a couple weeks, hopefully, this will be our permanent residence. We are very excited!

August 15, 2006

Let’s Take it Back A Step

We all hate poverty. We all hate crime. We all disagree on how to fix it. Let's try this one. What do we think caused it? What is the root of all the bad things in the world? Perhaps then we can ponder a solution?

August 14, 2006

Every Story Needs a Protagonist

Who are the good guys? Israel or Lebanon?
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