This info-graphic has been getting a lot of attention lately. Based on Census statistics and America's Health Rankings, researcher Jeff Wysaski created this graphic to give each state their deserved credit...for what they're worst at.
Because every single state ranks dead last at something. And the one that jumped out at me is the same one that's jumping out at most people. Utah's "best of the worst" ranking for porn usage.
Utah? With 58% of the state claiming to be Mormon, a devout religious sect, this seems so strange.
But then I considered something. When I was young, and before I could even understand the sexual appeal of a strip club, I remember thinking, "Who would have the guts to be seen going in there?"
This statistic doesn't claim a more sexualized state. It simply claims that the average citizen of Utah, perhaps because of their cultural faith, would be more ashamed than the average American to publicly admit their base desires, their Freudian "id".
I would have to see strip club studies to confirm this. But I think what we're seeing here is the power of assumed anonymity. Utah citizens know what they're supposed to be like. And they act that public.