January 30, 2021
Top Songs of 2020
2020 was a particularly great year for new music. Reminder: Eric likes his music Xanax-style. Mostly chill. Especially necessary during 2020. Tyson Motsenbocker's Someday I'll Make It All Up to You was my album of the year. Joy Oladokun's too high, my fav song of the year.
Spotify playlist for your convenience. Happy listening!
Top Songs of 2020
Good News - Mac Miller
Carried Away - Lauren Preuss
Colorado - Sam Burchfield
Only: Live from the Royal Albert Hall - RY X, London Contemporary Orchestra
Pray For Real - Peter Cottontale
Don't You Worry - Oh Wonder
Heartbreak Hotel - Abigail Barlow
the 1 - Taylor Swift
I Know the End - Phoebe Bridgers
too high - Joy Oladokun
Fall, Fall, Fall - CAAMP
Prayer - Keaton Henson
Autumn Love - Tyson Motsenbocker
marjorie - Taylor Swift
Big Wheel - Samia
Pretty Boy - The Neighbourhood
Oh No - Biig Piig