November 5, 2008
The Union Lives On…
For the joyous:
Do not stop. Continue to pursue the ends of the social injustices that caused you to vote the way you did. There are non-profits around the world doing amazing things. Join them. Help them. Do not wait until others are forced by legal mandate to fund these social programs you desire, but pick your priorities, and work toward them yourself as well. And continue to enter conversations with the intention to persuade, and with the humility that you may be wrong.
For the despondent:
Do not stop. If Obama was elected in some European country, you’d probably like him, right? Well, that’s how the world is looking at us today. They’re happy. And there are major benefits that come from global optimism. For all the financial woes you fear will stem from Obama’s policies, there truly will be offsets from this increased stability. Plus, he promised to put the entire budget online, and make it accessible to the public. That’s pretty awesome. Be encouraged as we enter into a new age of accountability. And continue to enter conversations with the intention to persuade, and with the humility that you may be wrong.