Note: This post has been contributed.
One of the greatest things about fishing is getting out there without distractions to relax. Fishing is one of the best ways to clear your mind and ease your tension. The last thing that you want in this kind of atmosphere is lots of technology and loads of big heavy gadgets. They’ll ruin your perfect piece. But, at the same time, it is 2018, and the world is moving forward. There are gadgets and gizmos for everything. They don’t have to take away from the peaceful atmosphere. They can add to it and make your fishing trips even better.
Some gadgets are essential. Here, you can see a shackle hitch, which is an crucial addition to your car if you plan to drive to any off-road locations, for your own safety as well as enjoyment. Others are helpful, and then a few are just good fun! Let’s take a look at some of the best gadgets for the modern fisherman.
Wifi Fish Finder
This one certainly isn’t for everyone. If part of what makes fishing great for you is simply sitting waiting for a bite, then a fish finder might not be what you want. But, if you prefer constant chases and catches, knowing where the fish are and when you are close to them could improve your fishing experience.
The Smart Sonar Pro+ is a GPS fish finder. It attaches to the end on your line and cast into the water. You then use an app on your phone to track the fish finder, which lets you survey the underwater landscape, enabling you to find any nearby fish.
Fish Handling Glove
If you are a keen fisher, you’ve probably faced more than one hand injury over the years. From scratches from hooks to cuts from pliers and knives, we’ve all hurt our hands in some way. Regular gloves are no good as they hinder your grip on the slippery fish, without offering much in the way of protection. A specialist fish handling glove, made from cut proof fabric gives you full flexibility and control while protecting your hands from sharp objects.
Not exactly a new gadget, but essential nevertheless. Fishing out in the bright sunlight all day can hurt your eyes and even cause lasting damage to your eyesight. This can lead to anything from a headache to serious deterioration of sight as you age. Sunglasses with UV protection can prevent this. Just make sure you don’t forget your sun hat or sunscreen either.
GoPro Hero4
GoPro is a brand that’s taken the world of outdoor sports by storm. In a world where we want to film, photograph and share everything that we do, and where we are used to continually snapping pictures on our phones, GoPro gives you more. You can mount this waterproof GoPro on your boat, hat or chest to capture all of the action of your day. Sync the device up to an app on your phone, and you’ll be able to control the camera from up to 600 feet away. Letting you capture some fantastic moments.
Multi-Tool Fishing Pliers
Do you currently have a bag filled with tools for every need? Scissors, pliers, knives and crimping tools all packed in your bag for cutting wires, lures and lines. Replace all of these with one multi-tool. Some of the best fishing pliers multi-tools are made from long lasting stainless steel and are packed with 15 different tools, all folding together into one set of easy to store pliers.
A Travel Kit
One thing that you need for fishing is your kit. Which over time might have grown into quite a massive stockpile of equipment. It can take hours to get together everything that you need and pack the car. This can take away any chance of spontaneity. If you want to be able just to get up and go out fishing without having first to plan, prepare and pack, then you need a fishing travel kit that has all of the essentials that you need, that you can just pick up and go.
A Travel First Aid Kit
Try as you might, you’ll never be able to prevent all accidents and injuries 100% of the time. So, you should make sure that you always carry a well-stocked travel first aid kit. You can buy small kits, filled with the essentials. Or, buy a bag and stock it yourself. This can be a better option if you’ve got any specific health needs. Make sure you’ve got plasters, bandages, anti-bacterial wipes and aspirin at the very least.