March 23, 2010
Sweet Table Chicago: Designer Dessert Buffets
My wife just launched over the weekend with a first to market strategy of claiming the role of premier dessert table designer in the Chicagoland area. This idea of creating custom-designed dessert tables for parties, weddings, bridal showers, graduations and more is big in New York, but hasn't really spread nationwide yet.
So, we're really excited about it! Check out the site, designed by frequent contributor and design blogger, Lauren, become a fan on Facebook and make sure to sign up for Sweet Table Chicago's E-Mail Club in order to get a delicious surprise.
And as always, businesses who have awesome friends always grow the quickest. So, if you have friends who like design-y or food-y things, or have your own blogs and think your readers might be interested, feel free to give us a tweet, post or shout-out!