January 2, 2009

Sleigh Track Logic

Recently, I was looking for a new word. And I think I found it. Frequent contributor Emily recently told me a story about her 7-year old cousin, whose parents go out of the way to make the "magic" of Santa Claus extra special for her. More than just taking the bite out of the cookie she leaves out for him, her parents actually create indentations in the front yard, and claim the next morning that they are tracks from Santa's sleigh. This girl is going to believe in Santa Claus for the rest of her life. Think about it. We believe in lots of things with WAY less evidence than that. Her faith in Santa Claus makes sense. Until you start asking questions. So, that is what we are going to do. Every year around this time, we often examine our lives. Self-reflect. Determine if we like the way we're living and chart a new course of action for the year, promising to change the things we do not. And in order to effectively do that, I think we need to start asking questions. Specifically, the big question that scientists and philosophers alike always come back to. The question to which our answer impacts everything else we do. So, we are going to dedicate the next two weeks to this question, and determine how much of our lives are based on Sleigh Track Logic. What are we doing here?