Wooh! This one ended up being a lot harder than the first, but after listening to the final mix (...about 200 times) we think it's worth it! Matt and I are so excited to let you know that "The Fallen Cry" is now available on iTunes.
"The Fallen Cry" is an attempt to bring back the full spectrum of Psalms to the modern-day worship experience. That people would be able to sing along to songs with words that more accurately reflect the reality of their hearts. The album title comes from the perspective of each song, sung from the voice of the fallen, a voice we believe has quite literally fallen silent in the Americanized Church.
Plus, if you buy the album and send the iTunes receipt to me at mail@relevantreverence.com or eric@relevantreverence.com, I'll send you a copy of our last CD, "Still Running" for FREE. (if you live outside the U.S. I'll send you a digital version).
So, jump on iTunes, give us a 5-star rating and a nice review, and most importantly, let us know what you think of the album! And for those of you able, willing and a believer in the message, please help us spread the word. You guys rock!