My last three days were spent at the musical festival, Lollapalooza, in Chicago. There were many highlights, all brought to you today by the letter R, including Radiohead, The Raconteurs and Rage Against the Machine.
This post will reflect upon my experience at Rage Against the Machine, who were, apparently, also sponsored by the number hate.
I passed up Wilco as the Saturday night closer, even though there was a circling rumor that Barack Obama would make an appearance and likely give an impassioned address about how we were the change that we have been waiting for. I simply couldn't pass up the chance to see Rage live.
They did not disappoint. 3 show stoppages for injuries and calls to stop hitting/trampling each other. Political cries from the stage that seemed to empathize the rumored speaker's ideas, but with added rhetoric and casual threats such as "take this violence to the streets" and "if Obama gets into office and doesn't do what we say, we're going to go burn Washington to the ground".
If Obama loses this election, we'll hear that it's simply because of his race. If he wins this election, who does he have to cater to? The Gandhis in his party or the revolutionaries?