October 16, 2020

8 Ways You Can Have A Healthier Lifestyle With A Busy Routine

Note: This post has been contributed. There are always loads of tricks and tips to help you navigate a busy life. Large workloads can lead to stress, change your eating habits, and make you have bad choices. However, there are ways you can have a healthier lifestyle even when you have a bust routine, you just need to use a few life hacks to help.  

Image by silviarita from Pixabay 


Have a look below at 8 of the hacks you should be using to help you have a healthier lifestyle: 

Start Every Day With Water 

You are guaranteed to start your day off right if you drink a big glass of water. After you have fasted all night, drinking water first thing will help you to wake up and to hydrate your cells. You then need to continue the good work and drink water throughout the day. Try having a water bottle that you can refill, it may seem simple, however, having a water bottle encourages you to drink more. 

Meal Prep

Often the people who have a bust schedule are the people who choose a grab and go lunch or a takeaway at the end of the day. Try making your meals ahead of time, it will not only reduce the stress of needing to cook or find lunch, but it will also enable you to eat better. Grab and go foods or takeaways tend to be higher in fat and sugar than homemade foods, so have look at some recipes online and start prepping. You could set aside one day at the weekend to batch cook and freeze your cooking, kind of like ready meals but healthier. Making things like breakfast muffins or protein bites are also great for grab and go foods throughout the working week. 

Do Your Food Shopping Online 

One excuse that many people use when they have a busy lifestyle is the lack of time to go to the shop and complete a full and healthy food shop for the week,. However, the wonderful internet, has that excuse crossed off. It can be much less stressful, quicker, and often cheaper to shop online for your food. If you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle and buy better food choices, doing your food shop online is also a brilliant way to stick to a list and not get distracted by the chocolate aisle. 

Keep Your Immunity Strong

It’s more important than ever to have a strong immune system. Therefore you need to make sure you are getting the right level of nutrition and vitamins each day. It could be a good idea to have a look at your medicine cabinet and top up on any supplements or vitamins that you have run out of or may need to start including. You may also want to make sure you have the right medicines to tackle things like the common cold. 


Realize That Sleep Is Important

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. If you don’t get enough of it, it can have a bad impact on your health, your energy levels, your appetite, and your concentration. You need to realize that sleep is important and make it a priority. Have a good bedtime routine that fits in with your busy lifestyle and reach your healthy lifestyle goals. 

Exercise Is A Must 

You will see exercise appear whenever anyone talks about a healthy lifestyle, this is because it is important and a big part of being healthy. Exercising can help you to improve your sleep, feel more energized, and keep your body working well. One of the reasons people fail to exercise is because they don’t enjoy the exercise they are doing and feel as though it is a chore. The best thing you can do is to try a few different exercises until you find something you enjoy. If you do this then it makes it more likely to become part of your routine and makes it much more sustainable. 

Practice Self-Care

It doesn’t matter how busy you get, you need ot make sure you are taking care of yourself. So, as well as making sure you are healthy, you need to practice self-care. It can be as simple as making sure you order your new glasses from Eyeglasses.com, going to your routine dentist appointment, putting on a face mask, or getting enough sleep. Self-care will be different for everyone, so it’s about finding what is best for you. You may want to make sure you pencil in the time to read a chapter of your book in the evening, have a catch up with some friends once a week, or go for an extra-long walk on the weekend, whatever works for you and makes you happy. 

Plan A Schedule 

You may be surprised to hear that not every person with a busy routine finds the time to actually create a schedule. One of the easiest ways for you to stay on top of your lifestyle is to make sure you have a schedule written out and use lists as much as you can.

Your schedule will be your guide to show you how you can complete each task throughout the day, and where you are able to fit-in your healthy lifestyle activities. This may seem like more work and stress, however, if you stick to it and become more organized you will help to improve your well-being and productivity. You could also utilize journaling as a way to track your eating habits, your water intake, or your exercise and sleep. If you keep track of your daily routine, it will help you to make the small changes that are needed to get you healthier. 


If you start to include these 8 hacks in your daily life you will soon be on your way to feeling and looking healthier without feeling like you are putting in a stressful amount of effort. Is there anything that you to help yourself stay healthy? Please share some of your tips in the comments below. 


January 14, 2020

What To Do If You Think Your Area Needs Help

Note: This post has been contributed.
If you live in an area of the world that you believe needs more attention and help, one of the best things you can do is decide to call attention to this. Many politicians, even local politicians, may just be in it for the money and not truly care what residents think - which is why you need to be so loud that you can’t be ignored. Below, you’ll get some suggestions on what to do if your area needs help:
Peaceful Protest 
Whether they are building a road somewhere that will destroy a beautiful area, or failing to do something that has caused issues for a long time, it could be time to gather people together and peaceful protest. This makes a statement and could very well get media coverage.
Start A Petition
Petitions can be very powerful if they get enough signatures. Create one and share it on your socials, asking others to do the same. If it gets enough attention, you could get thousands, even hundreds of thousands of signatures.
See If You Can Make A Change Yourself
Volunteering is always a noble thing to do. You could take clothes to homeless people in your area, or point them in the direction of a shelter. Putting in a little time and energy to help others will go a long way.
The infographic below will give you an idea of what makes a successful public policy. Do you think there should be a change?
credit to Norwich University
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