So, let's say your friend gives you a new CD to listen to. You don't like it. Your friend then says, "Well, I had to listen to it a few times before I started to really get into it. But, it's worth it. You'll love it. Give it some more time."
So, the question is,
when should we give a new CD the benefit of the doubt?
After all, I can't just keep listening to sucky CDs all day hoping that I'll eventually grow into them. There has to be SOMETHING upon my first listen that strikes me as interesting, innovative or good, in order to give it a 2nd or 3rd chance to climb the approval rating in my mind.
So, while I may be missing out on some great CDs, because I'm just not patient enough with them, or because I'm just
not ready for them, I can't waste my time re-listening to crap all day in order to not miss the good stuff. And I have to hope that the good stuff comes back across my path later, when I'm ready.