December 21, 2010

Is There an Historical Jesus?

For those of you not aware, I started a new podcast this past year with my friend Dave "Vox" Mullen and Hollywood writer and producer, Quinton Peeples.

It's called Q.E.D. And each week, we investigate a topic regarding the psychological, supernatural, metaphysical and more. Research. Discuss. Debate. And stamp our (quod erat demonstradum, "thus completes the proof") at the end of every episode.

Basically, it's an audio version of this blog!

The podcast is really starting to pick up some steam and we just released our 12th episode, specifically timed for the season. If you haven't listened yet, I think this is a great gateway episode into seeing what the podcast is all about and if you should add it to your iTunes subscriptions. Either head on over to or listen to this episode directly.

Thanks! And Merry Christmas!