J. K. Rowling announced that in this last of 7 books from her mega-hit Harry Potter series, two main characters will die causing people to wonder if hero-protagonist-magician Harry Potter will make it to the end. An interview on television this morning asked a 12-year old her opinion of this new literary revelation, and she replied, “Harry should just change the ending.” The reporter said, “What do you mean?” With a straight face, the young girl replied,
“With his magic.”
Now, whether or not the girl thinks that the author is part of the fictional world or that Harry Potter is REAL, there’s obviously a blurred line of reality going on with some of these children.
So, here is a brief list of things that I am never going to let my children become. Feel free to add to the list:
Star Wars fans, Dungeons & Dragons gamers, Harry Potter enthusiasts, ice skaters, gymnasts, animé addicts, harpists. If I can steer my offspring clear of these hobbies, I think my kid might have a decent chance of growing up to not being a freak show.