February 13, 2009

Gattaca Will Happen

The science fiction movie Gattaca takes place in the future where, through much greater knowledge of the human genome, a husband and wife can now adjust and remove any bad genetic coding that could lead to inferiority of any kind before implantation of the fertilized egg into the womb. The results are humans with perfect vision, olympian-tuned bodies and immune systems insusceptible to common diseases. I believe this world will come to pass. And while many will want to have children the "natural" way, businesses, schools and more will desire the genetic elite ever the more until the majority are convinced to go along - for the sake of their children. It started with donuts, and we will assuredly become Gattaca. How can this not happen?

February 12, 2009

Donut Eugenics

As a child, I was a pastry fan. You may remember those shops around town that offered fried dough in various shapes. While I was, and remain a Dunkin Donuts fan to this day, I fondly remember when Krispy Kreme first came to town. The big open window that let you peep at the process. The yeast rising, the machinery flipping, the ocean of glaze double dipping. It was magical. And yet, there was a female employee with a tonged rake. And if a donut had a bump on it, or was misshaped in anyway, she quickly grabbed it out from our sight, and quickly disposed of it. Have these people seen Gattaca? That's where this starts. Perhaps they're the company that starts us on an slippery frosting-laden slope to pre-determination? More on this tomorrow.

February 11, 2009

Now or Never?

Do you believe now is the easiest time in American history to get universal health care passed, because of how many people are losing their benefits, or the hardest, because of how much else is being spent?

February 10, 2009

Let the Record Show…?

Does Illinois' gubernatorial/prison record show that Illinois is the most corrupt state in the Union, or simply the most diligent at prosecuting criminals?

February 9, 2009

How Can I Be That Heartless?

You know you were all thinking the same thing if you watched the Grammys last night. Kanye's trying to bring back the black mullet, ala Cockroach from the Cosby Show. Represent.

February 6, 2009

What Happens?

Why do I, for the most part, universally like children, and universally dislike the adults they turn into?

February 5, 2009

Betty and Veronica: The Movie

As a big fan of Archie Comics growing up, I still long for the day they turn Archie into a live action film of some sorts. And since I had to create a movie/tv poster for my Photoshop class, I thought I'd share it with you all as well.

February 4, 2009

Conspiracy Theory for the Day

Obama is methodically trying to get rid of some of the big names in the Democratic Party. He knows these guys are are louses who don't pay their taxes, and he knows that the only way they'll be found out is if he nominates them for something, and the search for dirt begins. What say you?

February 3, 2009

Knowledge is Not Psychic Ability

If I can guess a number you're thinking of. If I know what girl is going to get kicked off the Bachelor next. If I know who's going to call me before my phone rings. These are not psychic abilities. This is simply an awareness of something that someone else knows. That person has already thought of the number. The TV show has already been recorded. The person who is about to call me has already planned it. I'm not saying this isn't impressive, but I think as we learn more about the human mind, we're going to become less impressed that it can do something that a standard remote control can do (wirelessly communicate with other powerful computers e.g. brains). Now, if you predict something happening that NOONE else has planned out, then I'll start listening.

February 2, 2009

Risk-Free Roulette

I've found the key to being debt free. And all it requires is a gracious man with a deep bankroll. Let's say you have $50,000 of student loan debt. Boy, wouldn't it be nice to get out from under it. So, how about Warren Buffett or Bill Gates starting a non-for-profit debt removal company? Here's the business model. They play high-stakes roulette, and put $50,000 on red. If they win, the debt's canceled and they get their money back. If they lose, they put $100,000 on red. If they win, the debt's canceled and they get their money back. If they lose, they put $200,000 on red, and so on. With near 50/50 odds, they will likely win within two rounds. But, even if they don't, the likelihood of losing 7 times in a row is under 1%. And they're not even close to their bankroll limit by then. The reason why everyone doesn't do this? Because they don't have the bankroll to keep doubling up, and there's a risk of losing EVERYTHING. With these guys, the risk is literally infinitesimal. Shall we play?