September 15, 2006

It has begun.

Charles Manson predicted it 35 years ago. Helter Skelter is coming. And it began last night with CBS' Survivor: Battle of the Races.

September 15, 2006

E-Ching for the Day

They will know we are Christians by our war.

September 14, 2006

Autism? No Thanks.

So, scientists have discovered a DNA link to autism that can be found in a child's umbilical cord. This is leading to the possibility that one could know whether or not a child could have autism shortly after conception. This leads to the possibility that one could abort their child based on an imperfection that they do not want to deal with.

September 13, 2006

Adjustable Vases

Invention for the day. I would like vases to have adjustable necks. Because with floral arrangement, quantity is important relative to the size of the vase. But, most people only have one or two vases in their house. So, a small bouquet of flowers often flops around the wide neck and can look rather skimpy. But, if the vase neck was adjustable to become tighter dependent on the amount of flowers purchased, you could perfect the look of any arrangement. Any venture capitalists out there?

September 12, 2006

Ringo’s Super Fabulous Musicians

The Beatles is a horrific name for a band. First of all, you’re committing a huge cliché by using the term “Beat” in your band name to signify you’re musicians. Secondly, a beetle is a really creepy bug. Big mistake. They could have been huge.


September 12, 2006

Boycott Braille on the ATMs

You know how to tell dimes and pennies apart? You can feel their ridges. Or you can LOOK at them and see that one’s COPPER and one’s SILVER. This whole “catering to the blind” thing is going too far.


September 11, 2006

Written Five Years Ago

Clouds of black from God I guess

At least that's what they scream
As they dance the streets covered with joy
And candy wrappers
Discarded by children who know the good guys
Just won, justice, just for the hell of it

The same street which will likely meet
And flood with blood
And we'll dance in the streets
And children will see
The colors of fire, snow, and sky waving in the wind
And know the good guys have won

I still see clouds
From God I guess

September 8, 2006

Sabai’s Fantasy Life

Could I create an entire fictitious fantasy sports game? A fantasy game that did not rely on true sporting events at all? Perhaps a realistic soap opera like story about different un-connected people? They have different personalities, resources, goals. And you draft people that you believe will achieve the most financial success. That’s how you gain points, based directly on their financial portfolio. The story would be written by a team of writers. Then, the game would become so popular that people would actually like this idea of betting on people. Then, my true goal of a Human Stock Market could come true. Instead of venture capitalists betting money on an idea, they’d bet their money on the idea-maker.


September 7, 2006

The WalMartization of America

So with the world becoming flatter ala Magellan & Thomas Freidman, this is leading to increased competition based on easier global access. This increased competition is going to lead to narrower profit margins, which means more sales will be needed to make a profit. This road seems to lead to the inevitable WalMartization of every non-service based commodity product in the world. Am I correct?

September 6, 2006

Mrs. Salt

Have you ever been out at a restaurant where you order a Dr. Pepper and the waitress says, sorry we don’t have that, can I get you a Mrs. Salt? I’ve heard that a bunch of times, it’s never been very funny. However, I thought about that joke today. Salt is obviously the opposite of Pepper. But, the joke also assumes that the opposite of a doctor is a woman. That’s offensive. Not to me, but to the ACLU, probably.